torsdag den 4. oktober 2012

Comenius interview

The H.C. Andersen run in Odense

Hunt your fairy tale
Treasure hunting in the city center of Odense.

After visiting The Funen Village, we went to Odense for a treasure hunting and afterwards some went shopping and others went to McDonalds.
Post 1: What is the point of the fairy tale “The emperor’s new suit”?

-        It never turns out well pretending to be someone you’re not.
Post 2: What does the woman carry on her head?

-        Eggs
Post 3: What is the name of the fairy tale?

-        The shepherdess and the chimney sweeper

Post 4: 
What is the name of the fairy tale?

-        The darning-needle
 Post 5: This post is from the fairy tale: “The flying trunk” - make a rap where you include the line “the flying trunk” and post it on your blog

Post 6
This post illustrates a very famous quote of HC. Andersen: “To travel is to live”. Explain this quote in relation to our Comenius project:
The comenius projekt is about travelling and getting to know other cultures. When we travel with the comenius project, we learn and we live.

Post  7
Who is Thumbelina married with?
-        A mole

Post 8: In the fairy tale “The brave tin soldier” the main character - the soldier - who only has one leg is deeply in love with :
A female dancer

 Post 9: 
The post shows a paper boat, which is an important element in HC Andersen’s fairy tale “The brave tin soldier”. Two boys pass the soldier on the street and agree making a boat for him.
        Here is our Comenius themed boat:

The Funen Village

Wednesday we were at The Funen Village, where we had to do some tasks. 

Task 1: Visit Tommerup Præstegård, Katterød Hospital and Melbyhuset.

Where should one go to use a toilet back then?

In the more fine places, some people had a toilet in their bedrooms (Tommerup Præstegård). Other places they just had a bucket and some water, and some places they didn’t have a toilet at all.

What is the difference in the three houses facilities?
In Tommerup Præstegård there was a fine toilet in the bedroom. There was no sink, but the toilet was a good one. In the hospital they had a bucket with some water and in Melbyhuset they didn’t have any.    

Task 2: How many of the houses in the funen village have half timbering?
There are about 20 houses that have half timbering.

Task 3: The houses of the village do not have any water pipes.

How did they get water back then?
They got water from the underground, through pumps and wells.

Where would they get water if there were neither a pump nor a well?
They got the water from waterholes or streams.

Task 4: Visit the three mills: Maderup, Davende and Skamby Torup

Before the time of electricity the mill was the most important source of energy to the agricultural section.

What was the energy from the three mills used for?

It was used for corn production.

Which kind of power kept the three different mills running?
Maderup mill was run by wind energy,
Davende mill was run by water energy,
and Skamby Torup was run by horses.

Task 5:Visit Vigerslevhuset

This is an old handicraftman’s house. Which handicraft?
It was a clog maker’s house.

Task 6:
Visit the classroom in Eskær Skole

How many students did it have room for?

How was the classroom heated?
It was heated by a fireplace.

Task 7: Visit the dining room at Fjeldstedsgården

How many people are sitting around the table?
There are 5 people around the table, but only 3 of them are sitting down.

Who do not have places to sit at the table - and why?
Two women are standing up. It was a patriarchal society back then, and women didn’t have as many rights as men.

What are they eating and drinking?
They aren’t drinking anything. They are eating oatmeal porridge and bread.
Cato, Ruta, Sonja, Maiken, Miranda, Alberte and Elif

tirsdag den 2. oktober 2012

10 guidelines for good internet communication

1.     Be careful with your personal information
2.     Treat others like you want to be treated by them
3.     Be careful of who you interfere with on the Internet
4.     Be yourself on the Internet
5.     Have respect for other cultures, religions, etc.
6.     Think before you write
7.     Don’t make offensive comments
8.     Make sure that you can’t be misunderstood
9.     Think about what pictures you put up online.
10. Ask for your friends’ permission before you post pictures of them.

Politics in the social medias

What about politics? Is it ok to use social media to promote certain political ideas? 

It is a good idea to use social media etc. for politics, as long as you're not just using it to say rude things or tell lies about other political parties.
It is an easy way to get your word out, and promote your political beliefs. If people are really into politics, it's a nice way to get to know politicians opinions on different subjects, by following them on fx twitter or facebook.

For instance, Mitt Romney writes rude things about Obama under the election.

Posting pictures of others

Can you freely post pictures of others and others on e.g. Facebook?

You should ask people before you post pictures, videos etc. of them, but most people don't.
If you have a funny picture of your friend, you should ask yourself "Would my friend like to have this picture on the internet for the next 20 years?" and then ask your friend for permission before you post it, but what you really think is "This is funny, of course I'll publish it".

Would you, for instance, like to have this picture of yourself on the internet?

Common internet rules

Are there any common rules about what you can and cannot write?

On facebook, for instance, there are some terms and data policy you have to follow, but because of the length of the rules, there aren't that many people who read them, and therefore no one really knows what they're allowed to do and what they're not allowed to do on facebook.

Most people use common sense about what you write, and what you DON'T.
But like in real life, there are a lot of people who doesn't use their common sense.


Do you speak worldwidewebish?

No, not all of our generation speak worldwidewebish, but some do. Fx there are a lot of hatesites, rude pictures, trolls and internet bullying. 

Hatesites are sites on fx facebook, that focus on posting negative things about one specific subject.

Rude pictures are pictures, that are offensive to other people and that hurt other peoples feelings.

Trolling is when you're either making someone believe in whatever you're saying, no matter how stupid it is, or making someone do things under the pretense of helping them

Internet bullying is when you're bullying someone over the internet.